It wouldn't have been possible without the efforts of Mike Cullen and his team, including many of our officers and members. Thank you, Mike. We’d also like to thank Pat & Kay Pickup, Jeff Gueli, John Watkins, Jim Wagner, Tim & Roz Ogger, Bob & Diane Moore, Nancy Fruit, Sue Delongchamp and her family, Gary & Kathy Smith, Steve Zimmer, Jim McGuire, Keith & Ginger Bruder, Tom & Cynthia Price, Barb Tomlinson, Virginia Truran, Tela Fountain, and anyone else we might have missed. They all worked hard to make the event run as smoothly as possible.
The highlight of the day was our entertainment, of course, and we were not disappointed. The Southern Heat and Taylor Tucky bands have played for us before, so we knew they would give us a good show. Both bands played a great selection of dance and slow songs, and they included some of our favorites. Southern Heat wowed us with their country version of “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” and Taylor Tucky played some tunes from their new CD, “Where There's Smoke.” Our favorite song is “Come Get Your Redneck,” which includes the line “jamming for the Eagles.” We love it! We love both bands, too. Thank you for sharing your talents and music with us.
We also want to thank everyone who bought a ticket and supported us. It was a very hot day, and we were outside, but no one let that stop them from having fun.
Finally, we want to thank Lenny Wojtyna and a couple other people who took pictures for us. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.